The Student News Site of Summerville High School

Beyond the Cave

Beyond the Cave

Beyond the Cave

Senior Spotlight 2

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Q: What was your senior project? A: I job shadowed a hotshot crew and the forest service. They help kids understand what they want to do and it’s a good tool. Q: How do you feel about senior projects overall? A: I feel like they are helpful but a lot of work.

— Linnea Carr

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Q: What was your senior project? A: I job shadowed in three different medical departments: the ER, labor and delivery, and at the clinic. Q: How do you feel about senior projects overall? A: I really enjoyed doing the senior project but it was hard trying to juggle that plus school and work.

— Faith Burciaga

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Q: What was your senior project? A: To rehabilitate a sick horse. Q: How do you feel about senior projects overall? A: I don’t like it that much, especially when it is near the end of senior year. If anything they should do it at the beginning of the year.

— Katelynn Bowley

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Q: What was your senior project? A: I learned how to play the guitar. Q: How do you feel about senior projects overall? A: I felt like they were really valuable for a lot of people and did gain something from it which can be helpful.

— Josh Kepner

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Madeline Sharkey
Madeline Sharkey, Layout Editor
Brianna Fowler
Brianna Fowler, Reporter
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