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Tennis Sectionals

Here is this years 2024 San Joaquin Sectional qualifiers from Summerville High School. We wish a final goodbye to the graduating seniors.
Lee Suggs
Here is this years’ 2024 San Joaquin Sectional qualifiers from Summerville High School. We wish a final goodbye to the graduating seniors.

The SHS Tennis team had an exciting spring season this 2024 school year. A selected few players were chosen to compete in San Joaquin Sectionals after the league matches were  completed. 

Sophomore Mason Stokes shared his experience participating in the tournament. 

“Sections were great. We got second place again, which I wasn’t happy about, but I’ll take it. It was a great experience with our team this year.” He hopes that next year, he will build on his skills and play better.

Junior Faith McClure also competed in sectionals and she explained her view on how it went. She shared, “I’m a little sad that we lost but we played really well. Our team was so close to beating the opposing team. This is our second time going back to back.” Mcclure only had one negative takeaway and that was that it was too hot for her liking. 

McClure talked about some of the things that she did well with and some things that she could improve on for the next upcoming season. 

“Personally, I feel that I could do better with my endurance, I got really hot and tired too fast. If I had had more energy I probably could have played a better game.” She felt confident on her hits and placement. 

Sophomore Carter Webb gave us some insight on their second time going to sectionals.

“We had high hopes and everybody was getting hyped up for the game. A lot of us did well even though some lost, they still played a good game.” He thought that he had good serves. All of his hits were pretty consistent and fast. He then explained how he also could have done better with his backhand serves. 

The team believes that next year will be a better year. Even though the seniors will be missed, all players have high hopes for placing first in next year’s season. 


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